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Assistant Designer

  • Demand number:0 人
  • Nature of work:full time
  • Sex:
  • Education:
  • Experience:
  • Date:2017/12/13

Post duties

Job Responsibilities:
To assist the chief designer to carry out the pre-project creative planning, conceptual planning, top-level design concepts and solutions presented.
job requirements:

1, regular college design professional bachelor degree or above;
2, with more than two years of planning and design work experience;
3, with the basic independent design capabilities, better understanding of the planning program;
4, skilled use of CAD, Powerpoint, Photoshop;
5, active, brave, with a strong team spirit.


Please fill in the following items in detail:

  • Intentional position:

    Assistant Designer

  • Name:
  • Sex:
  • ID number:
  • Marital status:
  • Tel:
  • Address:
  • Education:
  • University:
  • Major:
  • Graduation date:
  • Hope for salary:
  • On-the-job status:
  • Work experience: